Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Biography of an Autobiography: pt 1

EPIC ANGELA: Reviving an Old Friend 
(a.k.a: An Introduction to the Epic Autobiography of an Epic Spink -- working EPIC title)


Hey, everyone! My name is Angela, though most people end up calling me "Angie," or find some other, suitable nicknames for me. This is my Blogger (derp), the newest vessel for the contents and litter of my mind to be dumped in. In creating this account, I'm hoping to re-instill a practice that, at one point in time, was a critical portion of my life: Writing -- both for pleasure as well as introspective study. When looking back at the first eighteen years of my life, I can honestly say that I'm glad I took up the hobby from an early age. The rewards of which have been incandescent. Creatively, writing nurtured me, opening with every blank page an infinite canvas of possibility. Psychologically, it was my main therapeutic medium, offering me both an outlet of expression and a mirror. Every entry is a direct reflection of my self, a collection of snapshots in time illustrating my evolution.

As I once heard quoted on the first day of a History class: "To know your future, you must first know your past."  I've gotta tell ya, out of all the information and lessons crammed into my brain during my educational process, this was one of those cliches that actually stuck with me. It made sense, and continued to steadily prove itself true. And so it was that at several junctures in my life, I curiously returned to the pages of my finished volumes to relive my history. Each time, I learned something new about me. I watched my mindsets, dreams, and ever-so-changing goals morph continuously from day to day. I studied Me. In fact, I practically turned it into a science. ;P

The more I learned about Psychology and philosophy, the more layers of my subconscious became unfurled to behold and understand. I pinpointed harmful behavioral patterns and took actions to mend them, I discovered the deep know-hows of what depressed me and what my vices truly were. Sometimes, I painfully read as I stumbled blindly over the same damn stones over and over. Sure, there are pages that embarrass me to no end and there will always be the skeletons smiling from their corners, but like it or not: it is life as I forged it. Every volume tells the story of Angela Marie [NAME CENSORED]. Me, by me and for me...
How personal can you get?

I'd been toying with the idea of writing out a sort of autobiography for a few years now. However, laziness and other attention-demanding devices kept keeping me away from it and I soon let the idea dissipate into the background of the "To Do Eventually (maybe)" list. Then, on this fine day, hopped up on a bit too much caffine and energy drink, my fingers began typing out the flood of words that they had withheld for years. Thus, here it is: an imperfect, slightly abridged account of the things I've felt I needed to say for quite some time but had silenced. It's not a final copy and it's not a best-seller to be, but it is what it is and that's exactly what it needs to be:
My story.

Right, then! Let's begin, shall we?


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